Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Low-KI vs. AJ Styles 04/27/02

Where: Philadelphia, PA


It's early ROH, so the backstory usually is, "this great wrestler will take on this great wrestler and have a great wrestling match." This one is no different. For someone like me, that's a great sales pitch. AJ cuts a promo to pretaped promo to introduce himself to the ROH viewers as this is his first match with the company after establishing his name in NWA: Wildside. Low Ki is the top dog in the company, and also one of my favorite wrestlers.

In Ring Analysis:

AJ comes to ring pretty pumped up. Low-Ki shows such great intensity in his ring intro and with his character that it's a shame he's too small for the WWE to really have interest in him. The match starts with a handhsake then they lock up take each other down. They roll around in a mat wrestling sequence of complex maneuvers and reversals. This is always so much more believable when it's Low-Ki because he is so aggressive that it doesn't look like a mere formality that has to be done in the context of a wrestling match.

They have a stalemate which always pops the crowd. They stand up and Low Ki delivers a kick to the back of AJ Styles leg which AJ returns. AJ then yells at Low Ki that he wants more. That kind of attitude is what gets fans pumped up. Low Ki kicks Styles, and Styles retaliates. This happens four times until they both go for kick at the same time and hit each other's shins. Nice sequence.

AJ then goes for a roundhouse kick and misses and Low Ki tackles him as his momentum spins him around. More mat wrestling follows as they are able to catch their breath and show off their great matwork. AJ has a reputation as a great high flyer (which he is), but he can also take it to the mat, and will have a career long after he physically isn't as impressive in the air.

Styles gets Low-Ki back up and they lock up again with a collar and elbow tie up. Low Ki kicks at the legs to gain the advantage then takes styles down with a snapmare. Low Ki once again uses believable strikes to set up his offensive maneuvers. He's a like a seasoned boxer in a way. He uses a jab to set up his big punch as opposed to just throwing hey makers that have no business connection if the opponent is only guarding against that.

Styles comes out on top on the mat this time, but Low Ki gets up quickly and hits a stiff kick to he face that the announcers and AJ sell very well. AJ goes for a double leg take down, but Low Ki side steps it and hits another kick to the head. This was a great showcase of what Low Ki brings to the ring. Very believable yet exciting.

Low Ki gets Styles down with a kick to the face, but Styles gets a hurricanrana off his back! Styles then misses a kick to Low Ki but comes back with a hard clothesline. Styles then starts using some of his state of the art offense which he's been saving for the whole match. He gets Low Ki up for a vertical suplex and floats him over onto a neckbreaker. AJ then charges Low Ki in the corner and takes another vicious looking kick to the head. That's turning out to be Low Ki's great equalizer as it is bailing him out every time Styles gets the advantage.

Both men are back up exchanging chops and Styles gets the better of them and his a hard jump kick to the head that puts Low Ki outside the ring. Styles comes back with another big kick to the head. Styles then hits a super kick outside and at sends Low Ki staggering back against the security barricade. Styles kicks look good, but compared to Low Ki the look a little slow and heavy.

Back in the ring, Styles goes for a pin but only gets two. He hits a brainbuster but that only gets two. Styles has his Irish whip reversed as Low ki hits a rolling kick to once again regain the advantage. Low Ki follows up with a mafia kick, and the crowd gives Low Ki a round of applause for a great performance so far. Low Ki has Styles on the ring apron and gets a dragon sleeper between the ropes Tajiri style.

Low Ki goes for his finisher the Ki Krusher which is pretty much a muscle buster but AJ reverses into a great ddt. After fighting over submissions, AJ comes back and does a asai moonsault to a get behind Low Ki and hit a reverse ddt. The amount of athletic ability, precision, and timing need for that move is amazing. AJ then goes for a hurricanrana which Low Ki reverses into a powerbomb, and uses his great flexibility and momentum to roll into a bridge. That gets a near two fall as the crowd is really into this contest.

Low Ki goes for the kill holds AJ by the head as he repeatedly kicks him in the nose, forehead and back. Low Ki only gets a two count after kicking him nearly 20 times. I thought that would be a good finisher ala Bryan Danielson's MMA elbows.

AJ comes back with a clothesline and both men are down. AJ the hits a German suplex, rolls it into a move that I describe as a atomic drop to the stomach and face, then rolls hm up for a pin. That's a impressive and fluid combo right there. Low Ki then comes back and gets Styles in the corner for his cartwheel to a roundhouse kick spot.

Low Ki then sets up styles for his 450 splash, but Styles puts is knees up. Styles then his another phenomenal move as his has Ki up for the razor's edge, and turns it into a side piledriver. That move was very dangerous as the standard piledriver has the guys legs to catch the guy, but Styles had to use his arms to protect Low Ki on this one. Styles gets a nearfall for that move as once again the match should be over.

Styles then misses a twisting 450 senton and both men are exchanging blows on their knees until Low Ki hits another hard kick to the back of the head. Low Ki then goes for his Ki Krusher which Styles reverses to a Styles Clash, which Low Ki reverses for a rollup and finally a three count.

Winner by pinfall in18:14 : Low Ki ****

Afterwards Styles shakes Low Ki's hand and motions that he wants a rematch.

Overall a great match with good wrestling, great innovative moves and spots, and awesome technique. I do have issue with the lack of selling by both guys. They were great at selling the moves, but did a poor job of selling the consequences of the moves as the match progressed. AJ Styles took tons of hard kicks to the head by Low Ki, but he seemed to recover from all of them within minutes.

Otherwise I thought the match was fantastic. Even though AJ Styles is a bigger star now, Low Ki was much more established back then, hence he was the right guy to win the match.

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