Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Edge vs. Lance Storm 08/19/01

Where: San Jose, CA


This was during the middle of the Invasion angle which while a critical failure did draw a huge buyrate for the PPV in the previous month. Lance Storm was the Intercontinental Champion and was put in a match with Edge for the title. Edge, who had just made a face turn, was a star with a ton of potential, but had not proven that he could put together singles matches without top-tier help. The contrast in two personalities was important as Storm was a very serious person while Edge engaged in "off-beat shenanigans"

As a side story, Edge's storyline brother Christian was showing signs of being jealous of his brother as he always had possession of the King of the Ring trophy that Edge had won in June

In Ring Analysis:

Storm comes out and asks the crowd to be quiet while he talks about the importance of not being silly, but Edge's music interrupts which helps out his pop. As Edge comes out, they show the WWF locker room with a bunch of people who either aren't with the company anymore or have passed away. Nevertheless they cheer Edge on as he comes to the ring.

They start with a lock up and they keep reversing hammerlocks. Edge gets hit with a shoulderblock but comes back with a flapjack. Edge clotheslines Storm outside which gives them a chance to kill a little time to lengthen out the match. Edge beats on Storm on the outside and throws him back in the ring.

Back in the ring Edge gets a flying crossbody off the top rope for a two count. They then take turns blocking suplex attempts until Storms drops Edge stomach first over the top rope. Storm then bounces off the ropes sending Edge flying off the apron to the security barricade outside.

Storm with the advantage stomps on him and chokes him out. Storm is clearly in control and leading Edge through the match. A guy like Storm who is a veteran should be on offense a little bit more so that Edge can just sell and not worry about controlling the bulk of the match.

After some more offense by Storm, Edge gets a quick rollup for a near fall, but Storm takes Edge back down with a kick to the gut and a front suplex. While it's important for the heel to control the match and build up heat for the babyface comeback, it's important to give the face quick flurries of hope so that the crowd doesn't die out and lose interest. Too much time on defense and the crowd will start to look at you as an inferior worker, and lose hope that you are able to come back.

Storm goes for a couple of pinfalls, but Edge kicks out, and the crowd starts to rally Edge to make a comeback. Edge obliges by punching Storm in the gut a few times, but misses a dropkick. Storm then goes for a Boston crab, but gets rolled up for another 2 count.

Edge is doing a good job of timing his comebacks to give the crowd hope so that when he makes his big comeback, the crowd will be dying for it. Storm gets Edge in the corner, but Edge punches out and goes another leverage pin attempt, but Storm reverses into an Oklahoma Roll. Storm then gets Edge in a submission maneuver which gives the crowd a chance to come down before the big finale. Unfortunately they don't keep the move on for long and Storm goes back to a more move oriented offense. Storm comes back with and abdominal stretch, and now he can build up heat for the comeback. Edge tries to reverse with a hiptoss but Storm lands on his feet and heads up to the top rope. He goes for a springboard clothesline, but Edge reverses into a powerslam which turns the tide of the match.

The referee does a double count out, but both me are up at 8. The slug it out, but Edge starts taking Storm down with clotheslines. Edge hits an Edge-O-Matic for a 2-count. Storm goes for a hurricanrana, but Edge reverses into a powerbomb for another 2-count. Storm then reverses an Irish whip into his finisher the Maple Leaf. After fighting to the ropes Edge breaks the hold. Edge then gets his own Maple Leaf which was a little sloppy as he lost his grip on Storms leg. Christian then runs out and tries to spear Storm, and hits Edge instead.

Storm only gets a 2-count after taking Christian out. Storm goes for a super kick on Edge, but it's reversed for an Impaler DDT for the 3 count.

Winner by pinfall in 11:18: Edge **1/4

Afterwards, Christian has the IC title in his hands and holds it subtly like he's going to hit Edge with it but then hands it to him. It wasn't overly obvious, but anyone who watches enough wrestling knows when someone is holding the belt normally and when it's going to be a weapon. This builds up the underlying tension that would be played off in a few weeks.

Otherwise, the match was a nice effort by both guys, but I felt they probably didn't have enough time to do what they wanted as far as submissions and Storm building up heat while he was on offense. Otherwise, Storm did a good job of leading the match, and keeping the crowd interested until Edge made his big comeback. Edge is a huge star now, and this match shows that he was on his way back in 2001.

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