Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wrestlemania XXV Preview

Here's how I feel about Wrestlemania XXV so far:

Triple H vs. Randy Orton:

This fued was hot in the beginning, but I think Randy Orton has been marginalized as not as good as Triple H. Triple H doesn't look vulnerable at all, and while I think Orton will when, I don't see why the marks want to see Triple H get his hands on Orton when he's beaten him up several times. Orton doesn't look like a threat to Triple H either, so I don't know what the appeal is for this match.

John Cena vs. Edge vs. The Big Show:

I am not a Big Show fan, and he will only bring this match down. I don't believe he's done anything to warrent this spot as he's not a major draw, he's gotten out of shape, and he's not a good wrestler. Edge is great, but it's going to take a lot of creative booking to make this match fun. I have Cena winning in a sports entertainment contest.

Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker:

This is the workrate match for the show (the only one), and it's the only reason I am probably going to order this PPV. Michaels and Undertaker had a great fued in late '97, and their confrontation at Royal Rumble '07 makes this a must see match. I expect a near ***** match to be honest. The Undertaker has the streak so I have him winning.

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy:

Jeff Hardy is a main eventer in a weak mid-card match. Matt Hardy is a weak challenger, and if not for his relation would have no reason to be a heel much less a top heel. Matt Hardy probably gets the win here through cheap tactics to keep the fued dragging along.

Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Steamboat, Jimmy Snuka & Roddy Piper:

This match is a huge letdown and the only saving grace is the hope that Ricky Steamboat still has some magic left inside of him. Chris Jericho is a great performer, and he'll get a chance to prove how great he is by trying to make something out of a horrible match on paper.

Rey Mysterio vs. JBL:

Just a match to get two stars on the card. JBL is reportedly retiring soon due to injuries and Mysterio is a big star, so I expect Rey to win in a short match.

Diva Battle Royal:

This is a rest match so I just hope they bring back some stars for us to get nostalgic about.

The Colons vs. Miz & Morrison:

I really have enjoyed this fued between both teams, so I hope they get a couple of minutes to show off their stuff. I have Miz & Morrison winning as they are getting a subtle but huge push.

Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne:

Not announced, but I'm hoping these two get on the show as the company is high on them

Notable Absences:

Priceless: They'll be with Orton in his match, but too bad they can't get a match for themselves

The Great Khali: He'll get some sort of comedy segment I imagine

Umaga: Came back too late to get a program going, and has really cooled off the last year.

Vladimir Kozlov: I'm sure they'll find something for him to interfere in, but I could imagine that he's just not good enough to bother with putting on the show.

Overall, I don't want to be one of those people who says they won't order, but if this wasn't Wrestlemania, NO WAY. Otherwise, it should be fun. Wrestlemania always is.